According to Time:

Call for Global North Nations to Divest from Fossil Fuels Totally by 2040

There is a profound, planet-preserving, and sound scientific consensus: are the developed countries of the Global North able to completely stop using fossil fuels-- coal, oil, and gas-- by 2040 (about 15 years from now), then we will offset all the detrimental effects from manmade global warming/climate change.

The fossil fuel industries are aiming to prevent this from happening, lobbying politicians with egregious sums, to perpetuate the existing system of energy infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industries are developing genetically-modified organism (GMO) plants that are capable of maintaining photosynthesis and growth at levels of climate change/global warming above four-five degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial temperatures.  This is indicative of their cynical, cataclysmic plan of maintaining the same system of energy infrastructure while profiting from it moreover-- while they could simply transition into a green energy infrastructure that is capable of allowing natural organisms/plants to grow, not to mention offsetting all the deleterious effects of climate change/global warming.

Interestingly enough, the same people who are investing in attaining ways in which GMOs can grow in higher temperatures are the people who began the conspiracy of climate change denial.

And they keep paying the politicians, who set the stage for the rhetoric of the nations, to continue to state that we can continue to utilize fossil fuels, as though we are naive and unaware of the harm that it has caused and is slated to cause are we to continue to not carry out: systemic energy infrastructure change to a green planet model.

What does it take to create systemic change?  It takes a paradigm shift on the part of the collective and voiced will of the people, along with the leaders who represent them in relation to what they say and propagate broadly-- in a way that brings out greater environmental awareness.

All around the world, in every nation, there are electric cars.  Flying across the sky, there are electric airplanes. Every building has a roof.  Why not fill them with solar panels in an authentically-pleasing manner?  The breeze blows throughout the air.  Why not a global plethora of windmills? We have the tools we need.  Let's do this together, a people as one, The World as One.

article by Father Benjamin James Bussewitz of the Holy Catholic Church (also named: Ryan Elliott Ventriloquist) (also named: Sufjan Abraham Ernest Maya Grace Viouiest)
