Novel: Reliable News Source

The Shadow Cast

written by Ben Bussewitz

BRIGHTON, NY--There has been an eerie reluctance to cast our hopes and our trust in the main news sources prevalent in the socio-symbolic public sphere-- the predominant public spaces of symbolic disclosure.  The news sources of today, often, have been running stories of seeming decadence, but in order to understand this deterioration of quality and significantly pertinent content, we need to understand: the news casts images of the people collectively as a society.  We are always hearing ideas about "waking up" and our news sources, while they consider the "woke" person a aspirational mold of beingness in authentic selfhood and direct trajectories of multimedia and written sources with the intent to help facilitate this risen state of awareness, more often than not, we are ingesting hyped up data source bytes that have no meaningful translation in the world of meaningfulness.  The morals of the global North especially have been morphed into primarily less tangibly gratuitously beneficial and, in the simplest way to understand it, beautiful, ways of transmitting culture and our mores and values, a sure disappointment for the first quarter of the twenty-first century, that has hit its limelight with a seabed of dating apps, a assertion of a Orwellian mindset in the trapeze of the scaffolding of the social structure, translations of Brave New World in the set of the world actors, some disheveled, placed in disarray, and actively displacing the incoming new set of social and cultural norms, while others have been all too quick to enable the deep state and malicious sections of world governments to strip them of their God-given rights and dignities.   The first arbitrary signifier of the concept of "fake news" stirred up a growing overbearing sense of distrust in the social topography of the global order, while people could no longer look into with speculative meaning the way in which they can hold their leaders, governments, businesses, and fellow world-citizens accountable, as the <truth-centric> underpinnings of the underlying basis of the social world was ripped open, and the results led to the chaotic situation explored throughout this article, and which have often become all-too-familiar to the people of this holy earth.

According to Time has put together since 2023 the most relevant, philosophically-oriented, and truth-laden and truth-centered communication of central news stories.  It is our privilege and our responsibility to share the developments of the global order, the global sphere, the world order, the global panorama from here to there, connecting the dots, inspecting and scrutinizing the puzzle pieces, glossing, glistening back the veneer that is displayed in the condensation and subsequent vagueness of pith of misleading central figures' evaporating affinities, in order to bring hope, understanding, and focus on our shared global priorities and incentives and projects.  We need to look to what we have as a human family to understand what we have in our joint journeys, our prolonged communal, growth-ridden, aspiring traversal of the mediums of the earth-bound-celestial lows and highs, shimmering heights and crossing of land of the world's people to their everlasting destination, as a people and peoples, as townships and cities, as rural and suburban, as country and ocean, all throughout the land, wherever we roam, wherever we strive in the earthly home; we need to reinvest and invest trust in our fellow world citizens-- the way in which we count the stars and see the sun and the moon.

Here are a few reliable news sources that fulfill high standards of journalism and attain primary moral-worth:
