According to Time: The question on everyone's mind in Egypt: where have the dissidents gone to?

BRIGHTON, NY-- written by King Sufjan Viouiest of the United States of America and the Nation of Israel (King Benjamin James Bussewitz) (King Ryan Ventriloquist)

Live Updates of the World Events... a subsidiary NGO of According to Time

(under the umbrella of The World as One)

In 2010, the Arab Spring commenced in Tunisia, in accord with growing anger and discontent with Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali's autocratic governance and heightened oppression of the citizens there.  With coordination, especially among the educated youth, with the help of all the downtrodden, Ben Ali's regime was overthrown, in response to the democratic aspirations of the polity.

We, here, at Live Updates will continue updating you on the happenings of Tunisia's living struggle for popular rule, that enables all citizens to have their human rights respected and granted!

But for now, let us turn our eyes toward the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Egypt is a highly pluralistic nation, with about 85% of the population abiding by the great world religion of Islam, 13% with Christian faith, and a plethora of Jewish individuals, all predominately respecting one another's living faiths.

The current president of Egypt, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is stifling democratic rule, unlawfully imprisoning dissenters, political activists, artists, and journalists. After two democratic referendums in 2011, which implemented fair and free elections for the polity of Egypt-- on both occasions, the Egyptian military staged a coup d'etat (overthrow of the state), the second time with the support of the U.S. government, by way of arming the military with advanced weaponry and coercing it into a puppet state in terms of implementing United States' interests in Egypt's foreign policy.

As the spiritual and temporal king of Israel, I call on al-Sisi and the government of Egypt to stand down from their unlawful governing affairs, to release those arbitrarily detained, and for the General Assembly of the U.N. to conduct an investigation into the military coup of 2011 in Egypt, thusly leading to the Hague-- the International Court of Justice, to engage in a Peace and Reconciliation Tribunal creating amends for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and acts of government suppression in regards to the dangerous and seditious acts of Egypt's government that have been occurring since the wake of the Arab Spring.

We, in the Christian church, aim for peace, amends, forgiveness, happiness, and, most of all, faith for all people!

3 September 2024
