According to Time:

United States of America Run-Up to Presidential Election-- The Two Rival Political Party Nominees Policies on the Housing Affordability Crisis

BRIGHTON, NYThere has been a close race between the two main political party's presidential candidates thus far-- the political right-wing (Republicans), and the political left-wing (Democrats), showing that since the 2020 election cycle a mere four years ago of the President Biden administration's industrious, arduous effort and success at maintaining an overall healthy economy, although coming toward, though (through international transparency, cooperation, abatement of foreign lack of understanding in terms of the nations of the world-- not just nations that are different from America to America, but all nations that are different from each other ... this is the century and millennium of global citizenship, and it is stirring in the young, in terms of livelihood, spirit, and yearnings of an excited world at the possibilities of understanding deeper cultures of difference, peoples of difference, world religions' traditions, faiths, and practices of difference, ethnicities of variation of difference, across oceans, continents, down streams, rivers, life welling up in the excitement of globalization in terms of how we identify with each other: this is the millennium and century of understanding and appreciation and acceptance of people and peoples all over the world)-- and though, as strong as the economy is faring under President Biden and, since the off-year election of 2022, a narrow majority of Democrats in the Senate and a slightly larger majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives: along with lowering levels of unemployment since the 2016-2020 Trump presidency, with a trade war ushered in by the Trump administration against China that implemented friction and tense relations in foreign investment and respective diplomatic ties, inaugurating the much greater world-affected tensions between China and the U.S., in relation to insidiously diminishing trade between the two countries, converging with a central goal of the American deep state's, to cease foreign trade between the U.S. and China on the road to the further goal of the American deep state to ultimately end all diplomatic ties and relations between the two countries, that though, as a counterpoint to Trump's and Biden's perceived ends of offsetting and relinquishing the congenial, and open, free trade between the U.S. and China, that though the Obama Administration was creating mutual benefit for both countries middle class, growing economies, and thriving GDPs on both accounts.. though, under the Obama administration, overall trade was sending more capital to the nation-state of China than the U.S. was bringing in.. albeit, GDP (Gross Domestic Production), is the overall indicator of economic well-being of any country and both countries greatly harvested much higher GDP by being mutually friendly in trade and this contributed to keeping the global power-structures and diplomatic orders in good balance, and this brought greatly-appreciated, inexpensive goods into the U.S. that enabled all people to live a more prosperous life while inviting Americans into utilizing their minds for higher-order ends, namely, creating in the market more white-collar work opportunities in finance, executive administration, so on; and it also created economic growth for China by offering overall quality work in the cities for their, sadly, less-well off, largely impoverished nation, and fit with China's growth plans of building up more economic opportunities in the city and their overall growth as a nation, as China had been, during the Obama-era, on a relatively positive path forward in their national momentum and trajectory, which was injured by the Trump-induced and belligerent aggressive foreign policy of the trade war, which Trump through his previous time in presidential office of the United States of America (during the four years Trump was the president which began, as this writer has formerly, and openly and clearly documented, which began with Former President Trump claiming the presidency through a stolen election via election fraud), which Trump through his previous time in office of the presidency initiated through executive power, a trade war that destabilized an already rickety relationship, and then, China, struggling to overcome historical traumas in their own nation such as the populace going through an overall tough, oppressive time during the Cultural Revolution of the early republic, the Great Leap Forward of China, and the Tiananmen Massacre, struggling forward, the aspiring nation, China, that, as America, though Modern China only dates back to about the 1920-1930s, as America, also is founded on a government meant to be ruled by the people, as China shares in their nation’s respective Constitution the aspirations and mentality of a democratic government, but with their current Chair of the Communist Party of China who is also President of China, Xi Jinping, issuing in a whitewashing of their history, changing their proud and zealous and strong and aspiring history books to hide the struggle of the people and instead replace it with hiding the often conspiring, illicit acts of an often corrupt government--these countries were thriving in terms of trade-- Xi Jinping, as Communist Chair and President, consolidating power and purging members who were out of line with their evolving, in a mean way (along with the lexicon of the English language. as prophesized by George Orwell, where things get more decadent as language becomes decadent), meaning when Trump says things suddenly like “those thugs from Mexico, their criminals, build a wall,” and types it on Twitter in such ways as such as all uppercase ‘thugs,’ all uppercase, ‘criminals,’  and all uppercase, ‘build a wall,’ ludicrous propositions he put forth during his first speech in which he announced his 2016 run-for-office, (and, to expound upon the voter fraud carried out mainly through Trump-- Trump instigated a chain of threats to change voter count according to the best the current government could do with his criminal network that was complicit with his threats); his “ultra” billion dollars which became a million and now is less, pushing Americans to identify more superficially in terms of capital and financial wealth, and building towers all around the world that are a sign of his imperialization aims and all the well-meaning people who offered him advice (weren’t too scared of his nihilistic ploys), tried to discourage him from aiming to ever to take an effort in, and which they now, those who now look down on him for saying his towers are “expanding,” according to those who are in his inner-circle, as they have quietly and anonymously made an effort to tell the United Nations of, his so-called “expansionary” efforts of putting up towers in his own name.

In 2017, the first year of Trump's presidential term, the writer of this article, from reading the New York Times and New York Magazine, both reliable, good news sources, had understood, analyzed, synthesized, and explained in a journalistic piece that I wrote, which was propagated to the American public at large, that Trump was offering favors, preferential treatment, and moreover, not explicitly trying not to hurt the foreign diplomats who opted to stay at his D.C. tower while on diplomatic missions to the U.S. capital, in contradiction to the harm he intentionally inflicted on those foreign diplomats who did not stay at "so-called" Trump Tower.  In that article I clearly made manifest, that Trump was, in certain ways, illicitly financially profiting from his office of the presidency, as I had cited Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 of U.S. law:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 7:

The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

The president is supposed to make a salary as the commander and chief and leader of the executive branch, a salary that has historically been and until this day is at $250,000 per year.  Other than that, the president cannot, as seen in the excerpt above of U.S. law, Article II, the president cannot profit in terms of his position any more than "a Compensation" from the federal government ($one quarter-million) for his services as president that cannot be "[increased] nor diminished" in accord to his work in office as president.  Yet, Trump did indeed make monetary gain on his office as president, "for which he shall have been elected," by implementing a standing threat and a standing bribe against foreign diplomats who were travelling to Washington D.C., the U.S. capital--Trump's clear intention to overall assist them were they to stay at "so-called" Trump Tower, or injure them if they stayed at a hotel elsewhere.  This is how he made money off the presidential office, receiving "Compensation... [increased]," in contempt of U.S. law.

After I released the truth-based journalistic documentation of this matter in 2017, former president Trump divested his monetary connections from Trump Tower, but he left it in his family's ownership, and continues to threaten people to stay there.

For more on this, check out here...

To change topic slightly, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president 2025-2029, showed-- as earlier this week this writer has documented on the church’s news, which is centrally highlighted herein this literary journal, Live Updates of the World Events, under the umbrella worldwide, non-profit Non-Governmental Organization, According to Time, in the budding, flourishing incubator-case pantry of lively globally propagating, spreading, multiplying goose eggs, The World as One--(neighbors-among-all-people-of-the-world-polity, the 2028 hatching center of the world citizenship and global citizenship)--as this writer, Benjamin James Bussewitz (Sufjan Abraham Ernest Maya Grace Viouiest) (Ryan Elliott Ventriloquist), has shown in a journalism piece recently, this same week of 8 September 2024, herein the church's news vehicle, I have shown that the Democratic nomination for the November presidential election, Vice President Harris had decided to endorse fracking for natural gas in cohesion with the (detrimental to the environment) oil and gas industry, with the underlying intention to demonstrate support of the corporate infrastructure, hierarchy, and order.

Later, the day after her assertion that fracking is good for the U.S. populace, Vice President Harris retracted her endorsement of fracking for natural gas and apologized at large to the American public for stating fracking could ever be a worthwhile business endeavor.

The corporate system has gained its far-larger grip-hold of the U.S. government under Trump's attempted purge of the government (which this writer has documented abundantly), a purge that saw a clear trajectory. His attempted purge, beginning with the DOJ (Department of Justice) honorable judge who Trump dismissed from office unrightfully and without proper respect for order-- on the grounds that the honor of the DOJ had said under federal law to issue an executive order to ban Muslims from some predominately Arabic countries, the honorable justice stating that it was against the first amendment right of Freedom of Religion of the Constitution and also antithetical to both global and domestic order; this honorable justice had both the mandate and the responsibility to make this ruling, and even if Trump happened to have disagreed with the judge's ruling in some warped ideation of right and wrong and governing order, the best way and prescribed way (according to the law of the land) would be to engage in oversight and a reason-based self-correcting of legislation that is imbued in the U.S. legal order. But Trump dismissed her from duty for disagreeing with his extremist ideology that states, supposedly, that "Muslims are dangerous."

Islam is a religion of peace!

Former President Trump followed it up with creating, through audacity and offensive, crude tactics (as George Orwell prophesized, in "Politics and the English Language, published in 1946, the way in which decadent language precedes a decadent culture and civilization, which I have shown through literary analysis indicates that our language is laden with ideas, and when language deteriorates or is abused, our ideas go with it), Trump had initiated in his first public appearance as a presidential candidates in 2016, a fascist, xenophobic tone and gestures that had never been seen on this side of the Atlantic or Pacific (anywhere from coast to coast, rail-line to highway-- or, anywhere in the universe) .. as he began calling our neighbors to our south, our neighbors in Mexico at first, and then anywhere in Latin America, he began vehemently scowling that our neighbors, who Trump stated we should separate ourselves from by means of a giant wall: Trump called them "thugs" and "criminals" and utterly shocking America with these antics that were designed to bring destruction and turn us against our neighbors.

Here is an excerpt from The Holy Bible about the way in which Christ Jesus understood the most important things any of God's children can do and how we should demonstrate kindness and compassion to our neighbor, as he expounds on the very nature of who our neighbors truly are.

(Luke 10:25-37)

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


Exegesis of above Scripture:

Jesus explains to the person who is yearning for faith and understanding about all the ways in which goodness and kindness goes together to bring about the free gift of eternal salvation in the Lord, in the above passage of The Holy Bible, in which the individual inquires unto Jesus: and the Lord responds that the righteous road of the People of the Book is to follow the Greatest Two Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40).

Aiming to understand further, the individual discussing the road of eternal life with Jesus, asks about the Second Greatest Commandment-- that we love our neighbors as ourselves.

God shows that the people who are both near to us and far from us in terms of foreigner or neighbor or family, are all our neighbors and we should demonstrate love, compassion, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, dearness, and gentleness (Galatians 5:22-23), along with our time and our resources-- for instance a trip to an inn and bandaging up his wounds, and paying his stay and ensuring that all is okay and good.

The Samaritan was a person who is considered a foreigner and a less honored member of society where the Levite comes across the Samaritan.  The Samaritan bandages his wound and takes care of him.  This shows that he considers him not only his neighbor, but acts like his neighbor, insofar as he loves his neighbor as he loves himself (Matthew 5:45).

And Jesus, who offers a perfect example of the perfect life of the perfect person, God Almighty, infinitely good, shows us how much he loves us.  He loves us so much that he humbled himself and came down in flesh to live among us-- in a humble, lowly place among humans-- being both God and man.

Just as he manifests in his walk, teaching, healing with miracles, preaching, and in his death and resurrection-- when Jesus washed his disciples feet, his station as he showed was that he came to serve (John 13:12-17).

And insofar as he serves those who he knew so close, Jesus came to save the world of sin and enable for all people who take up faith to live in heaven forever.

notice of authorial authority:

I do not know anything that I should not be privy of. (The United Nations, telling me I was widely seen throughout the world as the world’s most responsible citizen, understanding that I have been striving and aiming for peace and reconciliation among different misunderstandings between governments, citizens, so on, was someone who should be able to have much of this knowledge, and the General Assembly of the United Nations agreed with all the information shared in this essay, unanimously, in terms of each countries delegates and in terms of voicing the view of their peoples' countries collectively.)

essay above, along with exegesis, written by:  Father Benjamin James Bussewitz — a priest of the Holy Catholic Church (Ryan Elliott Ventriloquist) (Sufjan Abraham Ernest Maya Grace Viouiest)
