Live Updates of the World Events

Live Updates of the World Events


News Watch:

Synopsis: The World Council of Churches (WCC), a international fellowship of Christians representing 352 churches and over 580 million worldwide Christians, has put forth a statement about Israel and Palestine, and it should be highlighted that WCC has stressed some forms of Jewish settlement (namely, non-violent) were legal, and others (aka. violent) were illegal. The statement also mentions that with the catalyst of the Holocaust, the Zionist movement set off a surge of Jewish peoples to immigrate into the holy land with a usually justified cause. It's important to note that the Christian population in Israel is on the decline.
- Ben Bussewitz, Human Rights Watch

Synopsis: The militant force that is supporting a Palestine Islamicist movement has made an incursion into the Gaza Strip, utilizing outdated cellular technology, which the Israel authorities were initially unable to grapple with.
- Ben Bussewitz, Human Rights Watch
for more on this: here

Synopsis: The world looked at both Israel and the Hamas as culpable in this instance of violence. The Hamas, for unnecessarily using violence, and Israel, for upholding an apartheid state.
- Ben Bussewitz
