According to Time; updated 29 February 2024

10 February 2024

Recently imprisoned Khan’s political party, P.T.I., won the most seats in parliament in Pakistan’s election earlier this week.  Sharif, of the military-backed P.M.L.N. party, claimed victory for his rival party, as did Khan’s party.  Both parties aim to form a coalition government.  Hopefully they will work together, though Sharif has said they will not include the reigning P.T.I. party, in flagrant disregard for the rule of law or the people’s expressed will 

by Ryan Abraham Ernest Ventriloquist, D.D.

29 February 2024

Shehbaz Sharif has been nominated candidate for prime minister of the coalition government coming into being.  He claimed victory for his party in the election held this month, despite the fact that the imprisoned former prime minister, Imran Khan’s aligned parties won more seats, nearly enough to amount to a majority and to form its own government.

Pakistan has been military-ruled for about thirty years now, with the government being run mostly behind closed doors with the directives of the government being dictated by the military.  It is common for candidates who gain traction in regards to the people’s admiration to suddenly and inexplicably be jailed right before the run-ups to elections, with baseless charges.  This is the fate Khan endured.   He was previously prime minister of Pakistan and represents a shift to a more democratic form of government, a change from the typical military-ruled form of government to which Pakistan has grown accustomed.  In 2022, Khan was expelled from office in a no-confidence vote by parliament, and replaced by Sharif.

by Ryan Abraham Ernest Ventriloquist, D.D.
