Live Updates of the World Events

 Live Updates of the World Events

News Watch

Synopsis: As has become more usual in politics today, two heads-of-state, Raisi and Sultan Haitham bin Tareq, have exchanged a dialogue once again to publicly represent both respective countries, rather than through usual diplomatic engagement. Another notable example of this is during the 2018 Singapore summit when the United States and North Korean heads-of-state met to discuss nuclear weapons.
- Ben Bussewitz, Human Rights Watch

Berring Strait, 06,06,2023

Synopsis: Human-induced climate change has led to shifting weather in the Arctic and the Pacific at the crossroads of Russia and Alaska and has brought people to see that more climate action is drastically needed.
- Ben Bussewitz, Human Rights Watch


Ben Bussewitz
Brighton, NY, 10,09,2023
Updated 4 November 2023
 — In the world there is a prevalent amount of turbulence in some areas, with the likes of geopolitical political disputes immediately impacting the same local communities who are struggling to overcome and survive natural calamities. Meanwhile, a striving harmony is sustained between all people, as individuals share in their means and homes and strive to be giving, loving and caring for each other and being good stewards of Creation. Despite this harmony, there are individuals who aim to create unease and distress, intentionally engendering chaos through the world we know and love, aiming their stringed arrows at the upright, the pure-in-heart. The Lord loves all people. He implements love and justice as a rock and a shield throughout humanity. He is always right beside his children. All the people intend with all the might they can muster to create connections and be in a good place of navigational astral core comportment with God. The way to do this best is to get a strong sense of self, upheld by a strong personal ethic that is rooted in thoughtful and reflective commitment to God, loved ones and neighbors. When Jesus was asked who our neighbors are, he responded that our neighbors look like the man who is injured on the side of the road who is of a different regionality. The way to act like a neighbor, he said, is to do what the Samaritan did when he saw this, he got down, bandaged the wound, put him on his donkey, then took him to an inn, payed for two nights at the inn and said he would pay what the man needed when he was able to later (Luke 10:25-37). This is how we must treat our neighbor; we must share things with her; we must help her in her struggles; we must aim to assist her on her path to happiness and fulfillment. Fulfillment is lasting happiness and to be truly happy one must be fulfilled.
